Sunday, September 11, 2011

Put some GREEN into Halloween!

It's become startlingly clear to me this weekend that Halloween will soon be upon us. I'm a big fan of this time of year, so it makes me pretty excited to see pumpkins suddenly appearing everywhere I look. And who doesn't love a fruit that doesn't last for eternity? (I admit that I finally threw the little pumpkins decorating our porch away around Christmas!)

So with the spirit of the burgeoning season in mind, I want to share a pretty cool website that was recently introduced at our Care for Creation meeting (we still meet at 7 on the 2nd Thursday of every month...join us!!). is all about helpful reminders of how to hug the earth a little bit without having to forgo any of those excellent Halloween traditions. My favorite tips?

*Walk the Neighborhood...has anyone else ever noticed how many cars are endlessly idling while kids scurry from house to house?
*Each and Every Part of the Pumpkin...who ever realized that animals love pumpkins? What a great idea to donate your used pumpkins to a place where they feed pumpkin-loving omnivores on a daily basis? (By the way, youtube has some highly entertaining videos of animals enjoying these fall treats, especially for those of us who are toddlers or around them on a regular basis.)

I'm in the mood for some bonfires and mulled cider, from a local orchard, of course! Anyone with me???