Check out this pretty cool website courtesy of Dave Swinehart. Don't think that it's too late to participate in this pledge to simply the holidays, either!
I'm particularly excited about a couple of these ideas, which I find to be unique and interesting ideas. Definitely go the website, but just to tease your holiday appetite (which has probably been whetted a thousand ways already), here are a few of my favorites.
*Give the gift of time: the older I get, the more that I appreciate this as a service for a friend or family member that I love or as a present that someone gives me.
*Consider less gimmicky, less commercial gifts for children: the suggestions on the website (art supplies, books, creative toys) are always what is highest on my list for my daughter when others ask me what she would "like" for Christmas. ALWAYS.
*Create a paperless holiday letter: doesn't it take as much time as (if not less) than addressing all of those holiday cards. OR, at least seek out ways to make your own cards or choose those that are made with 100% recycled materials.
*Give a handmade gift: have you heard of Perfect!
*Reduce junk mail: apparently, you can remove your name from common mailing lists...there's a website to consult for tips on how to do this on the Pledge website.
Don't we all have a responsibility to our Earth and our local if not global community to be aware of why we do what we do? And we can still have a good old traditional holiday celebration in a smarter, more focused manner, can't we??? I, for one, pledge to do so.
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