Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Lenten Care for Creation Considerations March 17-23

As I went through the Lenten Care for Creation calendar for this week, I thought again about how many good ideas this organizational planner holds.  Here are four that were particularly noteworthy to me this week.

1.  Put out some bird food.  Anywhere.  The birds will find it.  You don't have to have a fancy-dancy bird feeder (or over 30 as my mom does) in order to make an impact with wild life.  Cracked corn...sunflower seeds...nijer seed...peanut butter slathered on all works.  This one is easy and anyone can do it regardless of urban or rural setting.

2.  Another easy reminder is to unplug unused electronics as much as possible.  Granted, you might be disinclined to unplug your tv every time you turn it off, but it's certainly not an inconvenience to unplug any of the multitude of chargers households are accumulating now.

3.  We've all heard of Meatless Mondays by now, right?  How about Fasting Fridays where you fast from multiple car trips for one day a week.  Is it possible?  It certainly seems reasonable, and it's okay if it's something of a sacrifice, right?  This is Lent after all.

4.  Along the same vein, perhaps we can collectively be more mindful of supporting local eating establishments, even if it's just once a week.  If you're someone who eats out regularly throughout the week, it is certainly something to consciously consider.  Would you really miss the chain restaurant?

I find myself trying to qualify many of the ideas and reminders that I put on here as "oh, this one is easy..." insofar as I'm trying to not scare people away.  But I realized that in typing this today, that's really part of the purpose.  Care for Creation is often a sacrifice, but that's okay.  We wouldn't think twice in sacrificing something small and easy to do for someone we love; why would we think any less of our love for the Earth?  

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